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If You Are Irritated by Every Rub, How Will You Be Polished? – Rumi

Mar 10, 2022

Rumi, the 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic, had a way of encapsulating profound wisdom in simple phrases. His quote, "If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?" is a powerful metaphor for personal growth and resilience, particularly relevant in the context of mental and physical toughness in sports.

The Importance of Mental Toughness

Mental toughness is a widely discussed concept in sports, often touted as the differentiator between average and exceptional athletes. By definition, mental toughness involves resilience in the face of challenges, the ability to handle pressure, and the confidence to trust in one’s abilities. It is this mental fortitude that allows athletes to perform at their peak, even under adverse conditions.

Integrating Physical and Mental Toughness

Physical toughness and mental toughness are intrinsically linked. Physical challenges often test an athlete’s mental resolve, and mental resilience can enhance physical performance. This symbiotic relationship means that cultivating one without the other is incomplete.

The Gap Between Theory and Practice

Despite understanding the importance of mental toughness, many athletes fail to engage in the disciplined practice necessary to develop this skill. When faced with challenges, they often react with anger, fear, or other distractions that detract from their performance. The goal should always be to perform at the best of one's capabilities, regardless of external circumstances.

Accountability Over Excuses

It's common to hear athletes blame external factors for their performance issues—bad bounces, wind conditions, faulty equipment, or tough opponents. While these factors can influence outcomes, the mentally tough athlete recognizes that they cannot control these variables. Instead, they focus on their response to these challenges. Taking responsibility for one’s actions and mindset is crucial. Excuses do not improve performance; accountability does.

Self-Mastery and Circumstances

The key question athletes must ask themselves is: Are you training for self-mastery, or are you being led by circumstances? True progress comes from within. It involves a conscious effort to develop mental resilience through consistent practice and reflection.

Steps to Evolve Your Game

  1. Acknowledge the Rubs: Understand that challenges are inevitable. Embrace them as opportunities to polish your skills and character.

  2. Practice Discipline: Engage in regular mental and physical training. Discipline is the bridge between goals and achievement.

  3. Stay Present: Focus on the current moment and task. Let go of past mistakes and future anxieties.

  4. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: View setbacks as learning opportunities. Each failure is a step towards improvement.

  5. Take Responsibility: Own your actions and mindset. Excuses hinder growth, whereas accountability fosters development.

  6. Reflect and Adapt: Regularly evaluate your performance and mindset. Make necessary adjustments to improve continuously.


Mental toughness is not just a theoretical concept but a practical skill that requires dedicated practice. By embracing challenges and taking responsibility for their responses, athletes can unlock their true potential. As Rumi wisely suggests, it is through the rubs that we are polished. So, the next time you face a challenge, see it as an opportunity to evolve your game and become a better version of yourself.

Evolve Your Game!

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